What is Diclofenac Sodium Paracetamol Tablets?

Sprains and strains, acute gout, back pain, and ankylosing spondylitis are among the conditions for which it is frequently utilized in the diagnosis or therapy.

Product Name Diclofenac Sodium Paracetamol Tablets
Trade Name Diclopara, Fenak plus
Available Strength 50 mg + 500 mg
Packing 10 X 10 Tablets/Box
Pack Insert/Leaflet Yes
Therapeutic use NSAID,Analgesic,Anti Inflammatory


Diclofenac Paracetamol Tablets Uses
  1. Osteoarthritis
  2. Arthritis
  3. Ankylosing spondylitis
  4. Headache
  5. Tooth ache
  6. Earache
  7. Joint pain
  8. Period pain
  9. Fever
Working, Mechanism of Action, and Pharmacology of Diclofenac Sodium Paracetamol Tablets
  1. Reducing chemicals in the body
  2. Raise the threshold of pain and improve blood flow in the skin, loss of heat and sweating
Diclofenac Sodium Paracetamol Tablets Side effects
  • Inflammation of the stomach
  • Increased liver enzymes in the blood
  • Hard to breathe
  • Gag
  • Dizzy
  • Itchy
Diclofenac Sodium Paracetamol: Use & Precautions

Before using this prescription, let your doctor know about all of the products you currently use, including vitamins, herbal supplements, and other store-bought items, as well as any allergies, previous diseases, and current health conditions (eg, pregnancy, surgery to come , etc.). You may become immune to some medical diseases’ negative effects. Consume as advised by your physician or adhere to the directions on the product’s booklet. Your condition will determine your dosage. If your issue persists or gets worse, let your doctor know. Below are some key counselling points.

  1. Alcohol
  2. Avoid use if allergic to paracetamol
  3. Do not take paracetamol if you consume alcoholic drinks every day
  4. Do not operate machinery or drive
  5. Consult your doctor if you suffer from Crohn’s disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disease, blood clotting problems, systemic lupus erythematosus, metabolic disorders
  6. Old

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